Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Melissa Longmire
May 9, 2016

     In this class, I have learned how to create a website, a concept map, web-tools, and how to use Blogger.  I did have more weak points than strong points at the beginning of each assignment because I have never used any of these sites before taking this class.  I also struggled to upload my files to my blog on occasions because it was difficult understanding how to.  My strong points, however, were in creativity and making a movie.  I have used Movie Maker in the past when I would make little movies for family members but nothing for an actual grade until I took this class.  It was nice to know that people enjoyed my story.  In the future, in order to improve on my weaknesses, I will definitely ask more questions when I need help and not procrastinate on getting my work done ahead of schedule.  I would definitely like to use some of the technology that we dealt with in this class such as Blogger and Movie Maker.  It would be interesting to see how students could use Blogger as a daily or weekly journal and to use Movie Maker the way that we did in order to tell something to the class about themselves.  Blogs are a great way to post homework assignments, videos, et cetera.  It is a way to keep all of your work in one readily-available, creative, and easy-to-understand, place.

Hello, my name is Melissa Longmire and I am currently a Junior at the University of Southern Mississippi.  My major is Elementary/Special Education.  I couldn't decide on which one I would rather teach, so I am studying both.  I currently live in Liberty, Mississippi, but I would love to be able to teach in Meadville, Mississippi.  I use to play the piano and sing in church, but I have not done that in about eight years.  My hobbies include: singing, hunting, fishing, and basically anything else outdoors.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

10. Concept Map

The Five Senses
Kindergarten: Life Science
Kindergarten: Life Science
I. Smell
Your nose allows you to smell everything around you and aids in determining what smells good and what smells bad
A. good
    1. Candle
    2. food
B. bad
    1. Garbage
    2. wet puppy
II. Taste
The taste buds on your tongue allow you to not only taste but has different parts of the tongue that determines whether something tastes bitter, sweet, sour, or spicy
A. Sweet
    1. ice-cream
   2.  Candy bar
B. Sour
    1. Gummy Worms
    2. Sour apple
III. Sight
Your eyes allow you to see everything around you
A. In the sky
    1. butterfly
    2. Stars
B. On the ground
    1. flowers
    2. Trees
IV. Touch
Your hands allow you to feel different textures such as the difference in how animals feel and how objects feel
A. Animals
    1. Slimy Frogs
    2. Scaly Crocodile
B. Objects
    1. Tabletop
    2. Pencil
V. Sound
Your ears allow you to hear everything around you including the loud noises and the quiet noises
A. Loud
    1. Alarm Clock
    2. Horn
B. Quiet
    1. Sleeping kitten
    2. Silent Reading